In POTUS, by the “P” is meant
The office of the President.
The combo “U” and “S” creates
As we all know, “United States”;
While minor words like “of” and “the”
Are tucked in there as “O” and “T”
So round the world the rest of us
Won’t think it’s Puss or even pus.
The current POTUS? I think he
Deserves a different kind of “P”.
Let’s call that “piece”, as in a lump,
(Which somehow fits our Donald Trump).
The “O” we keep, but then the “T”
Can stand instead for “thoroughly”.
“Unsavoury” will do for “U”.
Words with “S”? I know a few
That fit the bill; like “scum” or “spit”.
But no, the man’s a piece of shit.